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MenyaKey - Your Ultimate Guide to Scholarships SKey - Your Ultimate Guide to Scholarships

Faculties Available for HEL (History, Economics, Literature) Students

If you studied History, Economics, and Literature (HEL) in secondary school, you have various university options. Your background prepares you for social sciences, business, humanities, and education fields.

A. Public Universities in Rwanda

1. University of Rwanda (UR)

  1. CASS – College of Arts and Social Sciences
    1. Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Journalism and Communication. Option: Journalism
    2. Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Journalism and Communication. Option: Communication
    3. Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in History and Heritage
    4. Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Public Administration
    5. Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Political Science
    6. Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Sociology
    7. Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Social Work
    8. Bachelor of Law with Honours in Law
  2. CE – College of Education
    1. Bachelor of Education with Honours in History and Geography
    2. Bachelor of Education in Economics and Business Studies

2. Rwanda Polytechnic (RP)

  1. Advanced Diploma in Fashion and Design
  2. Advanced Diploma in Tourism Destination Management
  3. Advanced Diploma in Tours and Travel Management

B. Private Universities in Rwanda

1. African Leadership University (ALU)

  1. Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Entrepreneurial Leadership (BEL)

2. University of Kigali (UoK)

  1. Bachelor of Science with Honours in Accounting
  2. Bachelor Degree with Honours in Business Information Technology
  3. Bachelor of Science with Honours in Economics
  4. Bachelor of Science with Honours in Finance
  5. Bachelor Degree with Honours in Law
  6. Bachelor of Science with Honours in Marketing
  7. Bachelor Degree with Honours in Public Administration and Local Governance
  8. Bachelor of Science with Honours in Management
  9. Bachelor of Science with Honours in Public Health
  10. Bachelor of Science with Honours in Public Safety
  11. Bachelor of Science with Honours in Social Work
  12. Bachelor of Science with Honours in Sustainable Development
  13. Bachelor of Science with Honours in Teaching and Learning
  14. Bachelor of Science with Honours in Tourism and Hospitality
  15. Bachelor of Science with Honours in Urban Planning
  16. Bachelor of Science with Honours in Water Resources Management
  17. Click Here to Know Your Chances

Additional Universities and Programs

  1. Institut d’Enseignement Supérieur de Ruhengeri (INES) – Applied Economics, Enterprises Management
  2. Mount Kigali University (MKU)
  3. Adventist University of Central Africa (AUCA)
  4. Kigali Independent University (ULK)
  5. More institutions including UTAB, Vatel School, and others...
  6. Click Here to Know Your Chances

Scholarship Opportunities

  1. Scholarships in USA
  2. Scholarships in Canada
  3. Scholarships in UK
  4. Scholarships in Asia
  5. Scholarships in Australia
  6. Scholarships in Europe
  7. Scholarships in Africa
  8. Scholarships in Rwanda
  9. Click Here to Know Your Chances

Note: Click here to know your chances in each faculty. Get advice based on your choice.

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