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Combination Studies - Business and Services

Explore the faculties available for students who pursued Business and Services in secondary school.

A. Public Universities in Rwanda

1. University of Rwanda (UR)

  1. CASS – College of Arts and Social Sciences
  2. CAVM – College of Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
  3. CBE – College of Business and Economics
  4. CMHS – College of Medicine and Health Sciences
  5. CE – College of Education
  6. CST – College of Science and Technology

2. Rwanda Polytechnic (RP)

Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management (Room Division)

3. Institute Of Legal Practice and Development (ILPD)

B. Private Universities in Rwanda

  1. African Institute of Mathematical Sciences Rwanda (AIMS-Rwanda)
  2. Carnegie Mellon University Africa (CMUA)
  3. African Leadership University (ALU)
  4. University of Global Health Equity (UGHE)
  5. University of Kigali (UoK)
  6. Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture (RICA)
  7. Institut d’Enseignement Supérieur de Ruhengeri (INES)
  8. Mount Kigali University (MKU)
  9. Adventist University of Central Africa (AUCA)
  10. Kigali Independent University (ULK)
  11. Catholic University of Rwanda (CUR)
  12. East African University – Rwanda (EAUR)
  13. Institut Catholique de Kabgayi (ICK)

Scholarship and Study Abroad Opportunities


Choosing a suitable university and faculty can be complex. Make sure to meet all admission requirements. For personalized guidance, use the link below:

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